Sunday, October 01, 2006


Design Writing Research: Writing on Graphic Design
Ellen Lupton and Abbott Miller
ISBN: 0714838519

This critical study of graphic design and typography is a source for anyone interested in the art and history of books, letterforms, symbols, advertising, and theories of visual and verbal communication. A section on theory considers the centrality of the written and printed word to post-structuralism and deconstruction. A wide range of design practices are discussed, from the history of punctuation and the origins of international pictograms to the structure of modern typography. A section on media looks at the role of design in mass communications with essays on stock photography, visual journalism, illustration, advertising and vernacular design cultures. The book closes with history, a section organised as a time line spanning 200 years of design in America. These historical case studies show how the modern profession of graphic design emerged in response to cultural, political and economic developments in the US.


Le Corbusier, Architect of books
Catherine De Smet
ISBN: 3037780347

Le Corbusier's buildings have long been part of the inalienable canon of 20th century architecture. Le Corbusier's worl as a book designer and author is scarcely known, and has hitherto not been acknowledged - Le Corbusier meticulously planned and realized ober 40 books in his lifetime.

Catherine de Smet is an art historian and critic. She traces the process by which these works came into being for the first time, mainly using unpublished archive material, and explains the significance Le Corbusier accorded to books as an essential medium within his output.

So the Le Corbusier the book architect can be discovered along with the great construction artist.

Reviewed by Richard Hollis

Book bought:
Books read:
-Informal--Cecil Balmond
-Architectural Design: Techniques and Technologies in Morphogenetic Design(March/April 2006)--Guest-edited by Michael Hensel, Achim Menges+Michael Weinstock
-Design Writing Research: Writing on Graphic Design--Ellen Lupton and Abbott Miller
-Le Corbusier, Architect of books --Catherine De Smet
-ไม่มีโทรศัพท์และเครื่องปรับอากาศ--วรพจน์ พันธุ์พงศ์

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